Aunty Pammy was our wonderful, fun, cool, Aunty who with only 20 years between us, was almost like a protective, caring older sister at times. I have such fond memories of her, from throughout my life, including some of my earliest memories. Often of just spending time all together, Aunty Pammy, me (Lizzer as she called me), and my sister Caroline (or C Moon as Pammy called her) and sometimes mum and Gran as well.
We would have trips into town, including one time where we had an impromptu lunch at the Lion and Swan Hotel, it was Pammy's suggestion, Gran didn't think that we were dressed smart enough, but after declaring I was in my best skirt, Pammy took us in and we had a lovely girl's lunch, such a treat!
When she took us out, we loved being flung about in the back of her car, booboo, one time she picked us up to go to Gran's house but instead headed out of town, to Redesmere to feed the ducks which was an adventure for us.
When she moved to Wrexham we had sleepovers, where just me and Caroline would stay over, then we would go out around Wrexham or stay in making cakes and playing games, it didn't matter what we did it was always such fun to just be with Pammy.
When she met Andy, Caroline and I were delighted to be bridesmaids, I can still remember their wonderful wedding day and the bridal shopping trips before, which were a nine year old girl's dream, dress fittings, the reception party in the marquee afterwards and how beautiful and happy Aunty Pammy was.
We were always a close family, with get-togethers including family barbecues at our house in Congleton or visits to Wrexham including a few New Year's where we'd stay up and play charades, pictionary or trivial pursuits, or family picnics on 'the ledge' in Llangollen. Aunty Pam, Uncle Andy, Mum, Dad, Gran, Roy, Aunty Ivy, Uncle Bill, and me and Caroline, playing games of 'I went to the market and I bought...' and long discussions about what Aunt Ett liked and disliked!
Soon after Pam and Andy started their own family and we became cousins to Nathan and Adam, something I'd been asking her for since I was little! And we would love visiting, playing with the boys and watch Pammy become a wonderful mum, doting on her boys!
But she was still there as our Aunty Pammy offering advice and helping us in our teenage years. Asking us about boyfriends, introducing us to new music, including REM which she made me a tape of and are still one of my favorites today. She always encouraged us to be independent, to learn how to drive and to go to uni, when we went to uni she made us an incredible tin with all the essentials to get us through uni life, and always reminded us of the bigger picture, to think about how decisions that we would make would change our paths and lives.
As all of our lives got busier and we moved out of Congleton, she was still such a strong role model and source of inspiration to us, with a family, career and studying but still always thinking of others.
When we started our own families Pammy became not just our amazing Aunty but also a very much loved Great Aunty to our children, including my children Ewan and Fern, to whom she is like a second Granny.
Through Mum and Pammy's weekly catch ups, sharing WhatsApp photos and updates, and as many visits to Wrexham and Cornwall as we could all manage, despite the distance between them, Great Aunty Pammy has always been included and a big part of their lives.
The sight of a white padded envelope containing little gifts, crafts, and usually some chocoloates from Aunty Pammy, would create such excitement, especially the surprise oatcakes Ewan received one time!
And they have such wonderful memories of her visits to Fowey including in regatta weeks, and even now going crabbing is never as much fun or as exciting as going crabbing with Aunty Pammy, and we can't play the card game spit without talking about Aunty Pammy and the endless rounds that we've had during different get togethers!
In all of our memories and treasured times with Pammy it is her fun loving spirit, compassion, kindness, encouragement and love that has brought so much joy and happiness, and enriched all of our lives, and that will stay in our hearts and inspire us always
When Fern asked me the other day "What did Aunty Pammy do for a job?" I tried my best to explain to a 7 year old what HR is, saying that she would look after the people that worked in the hospital, making sure they got paid properly and were happy in work, Fern's reply was "Aunty Pammy would have been really good at that, she would always just want to have a nice chat and make everybody feel happy and have a lovely day" after wiping my tears I thought that is exactly who Aunty Pammy was and what she did for everyone, everyday that she was with us 🤍