I will miss you Pam - memories from De

Created by Andrew one year ago
I first met Pam 19 years ago when she joined the Human Resources team at the Wrexham Maelor Hospital. Our working relationship soon developed into a close friendship. 

Pam was very conscientious and excellent at her job and would help/support anyone. 

Pams family Andy, Nathan and Adam meant everything to her. She was very proud of both Nathan’s and Adam’s achievements.  Pam was delighted when Emma joined the family and was so happy when Nathan and Emma got engaged. 

After we retired we met often for coffee or lunch, which would last 2 to 2.5 hours. We usually met at Bellis’s a local Garden Centre or a local Cafe Lot11, as we both knew that we would be able to chat for as long as we wanted in either of these places. Time seemed to fly past when we would chat about our families and what was happening in our lives. 

Occasionally we would meet up in the evening with 3 other close work colleagues/friends, when a cocktail or Prosecco would be the tipple of the evening, with lots of fun and laughter.

Pam was so excited about moving to live near Adam, Nathan and Emma in Newbury. I am so pleased she got her wish but also saddened that she did not have longer to enjoy her new home. 

Pam was always very kind, thoughtful and considerate. She would always text me if I was doing something special or was going away. Even when Pam was very ill in Hospital she forwarded me an email containing a discount voucher for a restaurant we usually went to a couple of times a year with friends from work. She also sent me a text to tell me about the email and said ‘ you might as well use it De’. This was typical of Pam thinking of others.

I will always remember Pam fondly, recall the long chats and fun evenings out we had. 

Miss you Pam. Rest  in peace.

Lots of love De xxxx
