I first met Pam towards the end of the 1970’s in Congleton, Cheshire. She was the girlfriend of one of my friends at that time and was immediately envious of his good fortune!
We kept in touch pretty much since then, sharing the details of our lives as and when the opportunity arose, meeting up with our partners and offspring for occasional fun and frolics (and lawn badminton!).
Reading the tributes here from others who had the pleasure of knowing Pam, echo exactly what my thoughts, feelings and experiences have been throughout the lifetime of our friendship.
Certain words used to describe Pam crop up again and again: much loved, special person, wonderful, cool, fun loving, compassionate, kindness, offering encouragement, warmth, humour, intelligence, clear blue eyes, wise, down-to-earth, common-sense, spirituality, sensitive, kind and gentle, “she was a saint”, selfless.
All of these qualities that describe Pam are easily recognised to everyone who knew her.
Time now to rest your soul Pam, and take great comfort and delight that we’ve all been made better people from having known you.
Rob, Carol and Alex