Working with Pam from Nick (NHS Wales)

Created by Nick one year ago

I first met Pam when I joined the NHS after a career in the private sector to take up an opportunity afforded me by Pam. Pam was a wonderful line manager - she guided me through getting to know the NHS whilst recognising my prior experience - not an easy thing to do but Pam was so nice, steady and professional she made me feel at home and looked after.

We shared lots of stories in the office and Pam was so funny! I looked forward to hearing old work tales, about Andy and Bruce, previous jobs and updates on how the boys were getting on... (I especially enjoyed hearing about Bruce - I was tickled by the way  Pam reported on his activities as if he was an actual person, which of course as a fellow cat parent I know that he is). I'd always enjoy telling stories to make Pam laugh - I'd be particularly proud when there was a little break in proceedings and my story was the featured chuckle! 

We'd catch up on TV shows and swap recommendations, and chatted on WhatsApp about pets and funny stories. Pam used to say "we were a good little team!" We were - that's when work is great - and I didn't take it for granted.

Pam was widely respected. She knew her stuff and she really cared about people. Pam was one of the best - she put people at ease and would go out of her way to help. 

All we can ask for is to be remembered, and if we are lucky we will be. To be remembered fondly and missed is special. Pam was special.

I think I only have one picture of Pam that I took, and I include it here. It in a picture of Pam and Em looking for tools or keys to try and break into a desk. All perfectly normal and above board you understand!

Maya Angelou said people will forget what you said and what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel. Well Pam made me feel welcome, appreciated, funny and worthy. I will always remember that.

Thank you Pam, be at peace.


Nick xx


